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sábado, 9 de março de 2024


QUESTÃO 01: Leia o texto a seguir.

In December 1895 the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen demonstrated the first X-ray pictures, among them that of the left hand of Mrs. Röntgen. Within a few weeks the news of the discovery spread throughout the world, and the penetrating properties of the rays were soon exploited for medical diagnosis without immediate realization of possible deleterious effects. The first reports of X-ray injury to various human tissues and to vision came in 1896. In that same year Elihu Thomson, the physicist, deliberately exposed one of his fingers to X-rays and provided accurate scientific observations on the development of roengten-ray burns.

Encyclopaedia Britannica

Segundo o texto acima, a descoberta feita por Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen

(A) só foi comunicada à comunidade científica em 1896.
(B) abriu caminho para a aplicação dos raios X em diagnósticos médicos.
(C) foi de grande utilidade para o diagnóstico de problemas das mãos.
(D) foi imediatamente percebida como tendo possíveis efeitos deletérios.
(E) teve como ponto de partida uma fratura na mão esquerda da Sra. Röntgen.

QUESTÃO 02: Leia o texto a seguir.

Avoid looking like an American when in another country, say Roger Axtell and John Healy in their "Do's and Taboos of Preparing for You Trip Abroad". This is a difficult piece of advice to follow. Mr. A and Mr. H offer what they consider helpful tips: don't wear baseball caps or sweatshirts with campus badges, be polite and avoid loud conversations in public. The trouble is, foreigners mostly tend to look like foreigners. 
There is something about them. The more you try to blend in with the country the odder you look. Lots of eccentric English have tried this game without success. Lawrence of Arabia liked to dress up as a sheikh and Lord Byron as a Greek, and were seemingly impervious to the sniggers* they aroused among the locals.

The Economist, june 4, 1994.

(*) snigger - riso contido

De acordo com o texto

(A) the author's advice "avoid looking like an America when in another country" is hard to follow.
(B) Americans shoud read Roger Axtell and John Healy's book before going abroad.
(C) Americans are often mistaken for English people when in another country.
(D) Americans usually avoid contact with strangers when in another country.
(E) foreigners tend to follow the advice offered in travel guides.

QUESTÃO 03: Leia o texto a seguir.

Automation is a term which describes the use of machines to control other machines. The process of automation is expected to increase production and to improve our standard of living. Certain forms of automatic equipment have been used by the auto industry for many years to move materials to the assembly line. Ford Motor Company now uses some automatic controls. At its engine plant in Cleveland, rough cylinder blocks go through a series of 530 automatic operations and come out as finished products in just under fifteen minutes.
While many labor leaders fear that automation will cause workers to lose jobs, scientists say it will demand more workers to mantain and to repair the automatic machines.

Taken from Let's Write English - book 2 by George E. Wilson and Julia M. Burks

The word plant in the texto may be translated by

(A) planta.
(B) plantação.
(C) fábrica.
(D) plantio.
(E) industrialização.

QUESTÃO 04: Leia o texto a seguir.

The ancient Egyptians and Aztecs did it. Even Neanderthal man did it. Every society has discarded used packages, from broken amphoras to plastic bags. The Germans are hoping to become the first to break the habit with stringent new rules that make the country's manufacturing, retailing and packaging sectors responsible for recycling the wrappings and containers of everything they sell, right down to the tops of used toothpaste tubes. If successful, Germany will blaze a trail for other countries rapidly running out of room for rubbish.
"Every industrial country has the same problem", says Cornel Jeuckens, the spokesman for a new company called Duales System Deutschland, a joint venture of 600 firms created to cope with the new regulations. "Others will be watching us to see if we succeed."

Segundo o texto, as novas medidas a serem adotadas pela Alemanha abrirão caminho para

(A) outros países com problemas de espaço para lixo.
(B) que outros países encontrem mais espaço para o seu lixo.
(C) que outros países rapidamente ampliem os espaços destinados à reciclagem de seu lixo.
(D) outros países, mas logo perderá seus próprios espaços de depósito.
(E) outros países em detrimento de seus próprios espaços de reciclagem de lixo.

QUESTÃO 05: "The new economic order was supposed to bring rapid growth for the industrialized nations, as emerging capitalist countries joined a global free trade system, .................., brutal competition from the Third World and the former Soviet block has stalled the developed nations."

A palavra que preenche melhor a lacuna é

(A) becouse.
(B) instead.
(C) moreover.
(D) therefore.
(E) while.

01: B
02: A
03: C
04: A
05: B

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